Iteration Review

Although this material may be found in a variety of places on the web, clients have often asked me to provide them write-ups and explanations.  Enclosed is a brief summary of the Iteration Review.


Product Owner, Team and ScrumMaster shouldn’t spend more than 1 hour prepping for an Iteration Review.  Ideally is should take about 30 minutes for them to agree on what they are presenting and demonstrating.


½ hour to 2 hours


The Purpose of the Iteration Review is for the Product Owner, Team, and ScrumMaster to present the Iteration’s product increment to their stakeholders.  Often this is driven by the Product Owner and he/she drives communication with his/her constituents.  The Team supports the Product Owner by providing a demonstration or presentation of the work that was done.  Typically the Product Owner provides the color commentary as the Team presents the product increment.

It’s very important for the Product Owner, Team and ScrumMaster to have ample time for interaction with their Stakeholders and encourage them to provide feedback.

The ScrumMaster typically helps collect the data for the “Quadrant Page”.

The Quadrant Page consists of four areas:

  1. Iteration Goal,
  2. Named User Stories for the Committed for the Iteration,
  3. Targeted User Stories for the Upcoming Iteration,
  4. Iteration Metrics.

The Iteration Metrics that are typically of interest are:

  • # of Stories Committed,
  • # of Points Committed,
  • # of Stories Delivered,
  • # of Stories Not Delivered,
  • Iteration Velocity,
  • Average Velocity,
  • # of Test Cases Run,
  • # of Defects,
  • # of Defects Fixed,
  • # of Defects Rejected.



  • Product Owner
  • Team
  • ScrumMaster
  • Stakeholders


  • Anyone


When the team has finished presenting the product increment and the stakeholders have had their questions answered and/or feedback captured.

Standard Scrum Ceremonies / Meetings

  1. Participants in this document refer to individuals critical to the meeting and are allowed to talk during the meeting. 
  2. Observers in this document refer to individuals allowed to observe meetings, but aren’t allowed to talk during the meeting. 

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